We ache for the creative magic of cultural exchange which all but evaporates in the heat of the known.
It has felt important in these early months to allow Be Space to introduce itself organically, with watchwords likecurious, minimalist and, of course, spacious as my guide.
What I want from this project is a place that presents itself authentically, with its own authority and warmth. Having witnessed how complicated business can become when we over-effort, my mission is to create something simple and resilient.
It’s like this with the creative process. Shortly after a collaborator friend of mine became a new mom, we had to confront the challenge…. How do we create performances together within her new and demanding framework of a growing family. The answer was and still is to simplify.
It doesn’t take a new baby to understand the imperative of simplicity. Entering the unknown in performance, meditation and (hopefully) enterprise, builds an openness to what is, as it is. It creates space for us to surprise ourselves and each other.
This is what I want Be Space to offer, and so it is the underlying measure of all that we do and how it is done…does it feel simple, satisfying, even surprising?
Creating the studio in this way leaves me in the uncomfortable position of not-knowing within the world of commerce – a world which insists that we know and convey with precision what we are offering, the results people can expect, the timeline and markers for success. Of course, we then ache for the creative magic of cultural exchange which all but evaporates in the heat of the known.
So bless each of us as we experiment with our hearts’ desires, as we walk into mystery for the sake of growth. Bless Be Space and Joss Whedon and our off-the-common-template offerings. This courage or foolishness is the way new forms are born and the way we build a ground that can hold the genuine and spontaneous in us all.